Friday, March 11, 2011

Korean co-teachers and Korean Strawberries

My co-teacher Ally!! She and I teach he 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.
This is Jenny. We don't actually teach together, but we are good friends. She has pretty much saved my life here. She is wonderful!
Teachers cooking sam bab. The teaching staff went out for a welcoming dinner for all the new teachers. You cook the pork at the table,  wrap it up with rice, some sesame oil, the meat, and other goodies in nice fresh lettuce (there are a nice variety as you can see in the other picture) Then put the whole thing in your mouth. Supper tasty!   
Korean strawberries are so freaking good! They are soooooo sweet. The guy at the store took 1000 won (that's about a dollar)  off for me! He must be nice to me cause I go in there all the time =D


  1. I would give anything to eat this whole bowl of strawberries...I would give anything for ANY fresh produce actually!!! :D :D :D You must be getting all the fruits and veggies that are not to be found in Ireland!!!

  2. But I have eaten the potato in every way, shape, and form imaginable!

  3. Those are the best strawberries I've ever had! I was told the farmers feed them sugar water so that is what makes them so sweet. I will take some pictures of the market someday. There is so much to eat! We also have potatos lol

  4. They must have good fertilizer??? They look yummy!! Ours are from Cailifornia now at Schaelfers...(remember that place hee hee) All they are is pretty :(( and expensive...

  5. I eat strawberries almost everyday! I will be sad when they go out of season ;(
